Ringworm is a fungal infection that affects both animals and humans. Dogs can get ringworm from contact with other infected animals or with contaminated objects, places, and people. The first signs of ringworm in a dog may include areas of hair loss, redness and itching, scaling or crusting of the skin, bald patches in the fur, round raised “ring” shapes on the fur or at the affected area — hence its name — as well as brittle nails. Additional signs of ringworm may include itchiness around the claws or areas where blades were shaved recently. In severe cases, inflammation of lymph nodes and fever can also be present.
Introduction: What is Ringworm & Why is it Important to Identify Early?
Ringworm is a type of skin infection that is caused by a fungus. Though it is usually considered a minor skin problem, it can be very unpleasant for your pet and may become more complicated if not caught early. That’s why it’s important to identify the first signs of ringworm in your dog as soon as possible.
The first signs of ringworm include scaly, patchy lesions on the skin and hair loss that appears to form roughly circular patches. The lesions are usually found on the trunk and head area in particular, but any part of your dog can show symptoms if your pet has come into contact with an infected area or animal. Additionally, you may notice raised red bumps on the skin around the lesion areas, which can appear itchy or painful. In extreme cases, swelling, pus discharge and fever may occur as well. It is best to https://www.serestocollars.net/ visit a veterinarian whenever you suspect ringworm so they can take proper steps to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment plans for your pup!
Symptoms of Ringworm in Dogs
One of the earliest signs of ringworm in dogs is a red, scaly patch on their fur or skin. This patch may become circular with jagged edges in later stages. In this area, fur may start to fall out and it can become somewhat sore or itchy for the dog. Dogs affected by ringworm may also develop an unpleasant odor and have changes in their coat color, such as discoloration or lightening of patches of fur on their bodies.
In addition, if you look closely at your dog’s coat, you might spot raised bumps or scales that could indicate secondary skin infections that ringworm causes. Your pup might also feel some discomfort around the area which will cause them to scratch more than usual.
Finally, your pet could be suffering from a general feeling of unease and malaise due to the fungal infection creating a lot of discomfort in his body. He could additionally experience fatigue, decreased appetite and weight loss due to the systemic effects of ringworm.
Characteristic Signs of Ringworm Disease in Canines
Ringworm in dogs is a fungal skin infection caused by the Microsporum canis species, which appears as patches of hair loss. Commonly seen as circular, crusty lesions, ringworm is most often found on your dog’s head and paws. The characteristic signs of this disease typically appear over the face, back, chest and legs.
The affected area may be accompanied by a rash or lesions that form small red spots or dots. These lesions will become reddish brown scaly patches over time. Your dog may also experience intense itching and inflammation around the infected region. Other signs may include irritation from saliva contact with the area during licking or rough patches of fur forming due to repeated scratching and biting at the infected area.
Circular patches, scales, or raised areas on the skin
One of the first signs of ringworm in a dog is the presence of circular patches, scales or raised areas on the skin. This is because the fungus that causes ringworm thrives in warm and moist environments. The patches may have scabbed over or have dry crusts at the edge. They may also be red and itchy, causing your dog to scratch and lick their skin often.
The affected area may also change color from a white/gray to a deep reddish brown. As it matures, you may see scaly rashes with small black dots on them which are actually fungal spores! These can spread rapidly so fast action is important to contain this fungal infestation.
In addition, these circular patches typically start as small hairless spots, but can eventually lead to hair loss on multiple sites across your dog’s body which could further confirm that your pup has ringworm. Finally, if left untreated for too long these lesions can sometimes become infected or provide an entry point for secondary bacterial or yeast infections.
Hair loss and itching around a specific area
One of the first signs of ringworm in a dog is hair loss and intense itching around a specific area. When you notice your pet is losing patches of fur or has bald spots on their skin that don’t go away, this could be a sign of a fungal infection like ringworm.
Another clue can be if your pet is scratching excessively — trying to soothe an itchy patch on their skin. In some cases, the skin in that area may have developed a raw, scaly appearance due to frequent scratching. You may also see inflammation around the affected areas, swelling, redness and even discharge from open sores that can occur due to excessive licking or scratching.
Depigmented patches or scabbing may also be present
Depigmented patches or scabbing are common early signs of a ringworm infection in dogs. These patches can be seen as a loss of skin pigment, making the spots paler in color than the surrounding area. The edges of these patches may begin to flake and have an irregular shape, like a ring. Scabbing can sometimes be found in the center of a patch, which appears as raised, crusty skin.
These patches may occur anywhere on your dog’s body and can vary greatly in size and number depending on the severity of their infection. They will often start off small and increase in size over time if left untreated. If you notice any depigmented patches or scabs on your dog, it’s important to take them to the vet for diagnosis as soon as possible.